Friday, February 4, 2011

Insular Art...Will the British Isles Ever Get Over It?

The answer is no. I'm fairly certain that England and Scotland and Ireland will NEVER get over the Insular Manuscripts. And they shouldn't. The Insular Manuscripts, or pieces produced in the British Isles during the post-Roman era, are the epitome of British (and Irish and Scottish and Welsh) Art. Some famous examples include the Book of Durrow, The Book of Kells, and the Lindisfarne Gospels (seen below)
I feel like these pieces represent everything that is typical of the art from the British Isles. 
In fact, these pieces have had so much influence that it's hard to find any art or design that truly reflects a British or Irish style without incorporating a lot of elements seen here!
Jameson, a distinctly Irish whiskey company, reflects the style of the Insular manuscripts in its packaging design. Notice the decorative flourishes and regal color scheme. 

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